Naval Biographical Database



There is free access to the lists of people and ships, with a charge for more detailed information - as indicated below:


Standard reports -  (see Sample Reports for examples)

    £5 for every 10 events (hits) - or part.  For example:

        1  - 10  Hits


        11 - 20 Hits


        21 - 30 Hits


Each 'hit' contains up to three dates, and the report includes the source of each date.  If more than one standard report is required (perhaps two individuals or one individual and one ship), the charge will be for the total number of hits, plus a small fee of £1 for each additional report.  For example, for two reports of four and five hits respectively, the charge is:

£5 for 9 hits

£1 charge for second report

Total charge £6

I will normally supply reports by e-mail but I can provide printed reports if requested, for which there is a postage charge of £1 for up to three reports in the United Kingdom.  £1.50 for 4 to 10 reports.  Abroad, I apply a standard charge of £2 for up to 8 reports.  First class mail/air mail will normally be used.   For larger/bulky reports any packaging charge will be notified to the customer in advance.  

I cannot undetake to provide both an e-mail & a printed report without an additional charge.

Non-standard reports  (see Sample Reports for example)

Normally undertaken from information already to hand.  I cannot routinely undertake external research.   For any research of this nature, I provide a costed search plan with defined limits.  It is not cheap but there are no hidden charges and I do not exceed the estimate without your prior consent.

Customized database reports may be possible, depending on time constraints, my limited programming skills, and the amount of data involved. 

             © CHD 2015